Easter - 2018

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thanks to the Worship Choir...Mary is Safe for another year!

Merry Christmas and it is Friday!!! Also, thank you to a wonderful Worship Choir at Park Chapel. They surprised me last night with a gift I have wanted to while and also stunned me enough that I didn't know what to say... SO, in honor of them and their generous spirit and dedication to Worship this Friday Funny is for them:

About two weeks before Christmas, a little Catholic boy decided to write a letter to Santa. He started "Dear Santa...", he thought "No, I will go to a higher authority", so he decided to write a letter to Jesus.

"Dear Jesus, If you get me a bike for Christmas, I will be good for two weeks.."

"NO NO NO NO I can't be good for two weeks", he thought to himself.

So he started all over again...

"Dear Jesus, If you get me a bike for Christmas I will be good for one week."

"NO NO NO NO I can't be good for one week", he thought to himself.

So he quickly ran to the Study room and grabbed their statue of Mary, and quickly wrapped it up in a blanket.

He started all over again.

"Dear Jesus, I have your mother...if you ever want to see her again...get me a bike for Christmas!"

The gift was season 5, 6, & 7 of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I watched my first episode this morning while working out and Mary is safe for another year!

Keep smiling, laugh some, and you know I love ya, Don

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