Does Marshall think there is a limit to this text as it relates to the inspiration of the scriptures? After reading Marshall, I do not think he would limit the work of or the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to a specific text or to just the OT. It is critical to remember the audience of 2 Peter would not have possessed the NT Canon. The question arises; does the inspiration apply to all 66 books of the Bible?
To answer the question, the 21st century reader must not neglect 2 Pet 1.19: "And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts ..." (ESV) The inspiration of the scriptures, both OT and NT, serve the purpose of a lamp shining in a dark place so that the morning star might rise in our hearts. Remaining faithful in the final days is the specific application of 2 Peter. Yet, this same principle can apply throughout the Bible.
The rule for a reader 2000 year later is to avoid reading into the text more than it says while finding inspiration for application to our modern culture. May we never neglect the reading of the word and application to our hearts. You know I love ya, Don
Marshall, I. H. (2004). New Testament theology: many witnesses, one Gospel (p. 672). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.