Easter - 2018

Monday, June 20, 2011

Our God is the Same God!

In Psalm 2, the writer refers to the Kings of this world and the rulers of this world. It tells us that God only laughs at their plots and plans…He rebukes them…He is supreme over all worldly authorities. When we look back at the cross we discover a celebration of a Messiah who is yet to come, yet with confidence there is celebration because…

  • Our God is the same God that created the world in six days.
  • Our God is the same God that brought the plagues upon Egypt.
  • Our God is the same God that brought the millions of Jews out of bondage.
  • Our God is the same God that split the waters of the Red Sea and lead the people with a pillar of fire.
  • Our God is the same God that sent fire down from the sky to burn an alter that was drenched in water.
  • Our God is the same God that punished the Israel nation for worshiping idols and sent them to captivity to Babylon.
  • Our God is the same God that redeemed the people after 70 years of captivity.
  • Our God is the same God that kept Jonah alive for three days in the belly of a great fish.
  • Our God is the same God that touched the hurting, comforted the down hearted, healed the sick, and brought the dead back to life.
  • Our God is the same God that empowered the disciples to preach the word and establish a church.
  • Our God is the same God that met Saul on the road side blinded by the light of the truth and the word and then restored Saul to preach that Word with a new name, “Paul.”
  • Our God is the same God that was crucified on a gruesome cross, rested a day in a tomb, and then destroyed death by defeating death by rising from the dead.
  • Our God is the same God that is willing to do these same miraculous signs in your life.
  • Our God is the One enthroned on high and laughs are anything this world might throw our direction.

Listen to these words, Psalm 118:8-9: “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.”

So, let me ask, “Do you trust Him?” “Do you Trust God to be the supreme power in your life?”

You know I love ya, Don

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