"In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus...And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!"- Philippians 2:5 & 8
Jesus was found in the appearance of a man. He was God, yet God chose to be revealed in the appearance as a man. What does it mean to appear? Remember the old saying, "appeared out of no where."
I recall an Elder at the Gethsemane Church of Christ is Mechanicsville, VA. His name was Carlyle Williams and He gave some of the best communion meditations I have experienced. He was also very light on his feet. He would always volunteer to lock up the church at the close of services. So, in this older building and with the lights off I would be leaving the church. Then, appearing out of no where, Carlyle would step up behind you, your heart starts to beat a little faster because of the awareness that there was a presence very close. Carlyle startled the blood right out of my heart many times. He would apologize every time, but he was and I am sure still very quiet on his feet.
When Paul tells us that Jesus appeared as a man, I believe we are to learn that Jesus was the very presence of God. God appeared out of heaven as a man and just like becoming aware of Carlyle presence, so we are also to be aware of God's presence in Jesus. The presence of God in Jesus is one of humility and obedience. It is a presence that draws people closer together, unifies the heart in worship and then scatters people to talk more about the presence in their life. Jesus' presence is the awesome appearance of God.
Paul starts the passage with the declaration, "we are to have the same attitude." Our presence should be one that is known to others as humble and obedient. A presence that thinks of others needs and approaches the need with solutions even if the need is met by a sacrifice on our part. The Christ-follower's presence should be known as a radiant reflection of Jesus.
"Dear Lord, help me be a presence in the world I live. I plead for you to help my unbelief and reveal yourself to me and my family in a way that draws us closer to your presence. Allow us the joy of being obedient in serving others needs while living a life of abundance. I ask for these in Jesus Name, Amen."
It is a joy to study the word with you. You know I love ya, Don
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