Monday, January 26, 2015

I am not simply surviving!!!

Last November, marked my 20th year as an ordained minister. When I was new to ministry, some one patted me on the back and gave me this advice, “Just do the best you can.” This is neither biblical nor is it helpful advice. My mentor and good friend over heard her advice and said to me… “She means well.”

I have had some of the best mentors a person could ask for in my Christian walk. These faithful saints have taught me about being a believer…the truth is that living for Jesus is not about doing the best you can, Being a Christ Follower is not just survival. Living for Jesus is more than just “getting by with the best your can” mentality. Living is passionately taking hold of the truth and letting it set you free from the burden of life. Living for Jesus is trusting Jesus and it is obeying Jesus. Living for Jesus is the best identity a person can hope for.

This text reveals to us that we are all on level playing ground when it comes to sin and  living for Jesus. It is not about how good we are…it is about His goodness within us.

Building within us the goodness is to examine our actions as they relate to God’s desire for us to live a life of righteousness. God is the ultimate authority when it comes to what is right and wrong. God is the source of all good and truth in the world. He is right in all things. Our righteous acts cannot make us righteous.

From a Christian perspective, righteousness is defined as being in right standing with God because of Christ‘s death on the cross. Righteousness can only come from God through Jesus Christ. If we pursue actions and activities that line up with God, then this is a righteous way for a person to live their life.

Being righteous is living in honor, integrity, respect of those around you and demonstrating love. A righteous person is willing to sacrifice, willing to avoid thinking only about themselves, while striving to enhance the lives of those around them.

I don't want to be known as a believer that is simply surviving or doing the best I can...I want to be known as a follower of Jesus that is passionately following Jesus.

I pray you will join me...You know I love ya, Don

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