Friday, January 23, 2015

And the Good News is revealed!

The Good News is about:
A love that can never be fathomed;
A life that can never die;
A righteousness that can never be tarnished;
A peace that can never be understood;
A rest that can never be disturbed;
A joy that can never be diminished;
A hope that can never be disappointed;
A glory that can never be clouded;
A light that can never be darkened;
A happiness that can never be interrupted;
A strength that can never be enfeebled;
A purity that can never be defiled;
A beauty that can never be marred;
A wisdom that can never be baffled;
Resources that can never be exhausted;
And Heaven that can never be ended.

There is much bad news in our world and mainly because of Satan and sin, but we must never be overcome by the bad news.

We must walk in the light as He is in the light and the blood of Jesus will cleanse us from all sin! (I John 1:7) That’s the good news that outweighs all other news, good and bad! God is true and faithful to His purpose, His desire, & His Love…He is not partial to one or to another, but remains impartial toward all mankind for the redemption of His creation.

You know I love ya, Don 

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