Easter - 2018

Monday, March 21, 2011

World Down Syndrome Day!!!

Today is world Down syndrome day 2011. Many people would think of Down syndrome as a negative. For the five of us, it is the best thing that ever happened. Matthew and Nicholas have changed our lives. Alice has as well, but the extra-chromosome of cuteness makes all five us a better person and adds to the world...so today we celebrate.

Nicholas was not taken by the down syndrome or by God for that matter, Nicholas had a weak heart and his little heart just could not keep up, so we wait for a new day. Matthew is seven and doing very well. We are very proud of our boys. We also thank God for them in our lives.

So, Have a great day, watch the video below for inspiration, and in honor of World Down Syndrome Day...give someone a huge HUG just because...you know I love ya, Don

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