While staying with [the apostles], [Jesus] ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. -Acts 1:4 (NRSV)
Jesus, the Master and Victor over death was about to ascend into heaven, he did not instruct his disciples to go out and preach the gospel immediately. Rather, he charged them to wait, to remain in Jerusalem until they were endowed with power to continue his ministry. They obeyed. And while they were gathered on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, in accord with the promise of Christ, descended upon them. Peter preached a powerful message, calling upon his hearers to repent and believe the gospel. As a result, three thousand persons were converted. Thus began the Christian church.
Today, I am trying to remember the disciples' obedience to Christ's direction to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Had they sought to proclaim the gospel without the Spirit, they would have failed. But because they were willing to wait for the Holy Spirit, we and all other believers have come to know God. Likewise, if we wait upon God, we too shall receive "power when the Holy Spirit has come upon [us]," power to do what God asks of us.
So, I wait for direction, comfort, and a journey beyond my deepest desire...waiting! You know I love ya, Don
1 comment:
loved the simplicity - and depth - of this message....
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