I think it is to pray according to the goodness of God as Julian of Norwich describes it, is to pray as a pig wallows
in mud. I remember as a junior high school student being on a retreat in
the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Central California with
my church youth group and one of our youth sponsors gave a devotion on
the goodness of God. As I read Julian of Norwich excepts from
"Revelations of Divine Love" I was reminded of Debbie Jackson and her
devotion. I also remember how moved to tears I was even as a 13 year old boy. It
was not new to learn that God loved me so much that he would die for me and
desire a relationship with me. It was a new realization of God's
goodness that moved me to a better place because of Debbie's devotional
Debbie Jackson's devotion used the word "wallow" in it
over and over and over. We are to wallow in God..."we are to wallow in
God's goodness" she would say. Debbie talked about how our feelings can
be completely covered in God's goodness. Debbie talked about how our
actions at home, school and church could be completely covered in God's
goodness. Debbie talked about how our fun and celebrations could be
completely covered in God's goodness. She then finished the talk by
holding up a picture of a pig completely covered in wet, sticky mud.
Debbie than pointed to the picture and said, "This is what is means to
wallow in the mud....it is to be completely covered in mud." Debbie went
on to explain how a pig doesn't sweat and that a pig needs the mud in
order to survive and that is why it is completely covered or why the pig
is willing to wallow in the mud. The pig would not survive without its
ability to wallow. She closed by asking us if we knew how to survive?
The answer was and still is today, "to be completely covered in God's
goodness." It was a powerful devotion that has remained with me for 28
As I was reading Julian, I was thinking about how her
prayer to know God more was revealed in a new awareness of Christ's
passion, to know bodily sickness, and then in her willingness to receive
three wounds. It was in Julian's prayer that she was truly was asking for
opportunities to "wallow" in God's goodness and this new revelation
granted her the gifts to know God more because He is a good God.
It is Julian's words that state it best,
"Just as our flesh is covered by clothing, and our blood is covered by
our flesh, so are we, soul and body, covered and enclosed by the goodness
of God." We are truly wallowing in the God's goodness as we are
covered head to toe, flesh and soul, action and rest so that we might
enter into a time of prayer that listens and responds because his
goodness reveals his grace, provision, and virtue.
My Prayer, "Lord,
thank you for your goodness and then demonstrating that goodness to me.
Help my unbelief and may my faith always be a source to point others
your direction. Amen."
You know I love ya, Don
Easter - 2018
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