Monday, September 10, 2012

Confidence counts!

Daniel 6:22 
“Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty”

Walking with God opens opportunities of confidence.

Godly confidence is the quality and state of being certain of our God. A Christ-Follower has every confidence of success that God will prevail and He will be proven holy, just, and loving. Believers in Jesus walk on solid ground...the circumstances may shake, but the ground they walk on is solid and unshakable.

Lack of Confidence is the the enemies largest weapon in the church today. The enemy defeats us before we even get out of bed with all the guilt we put on ourselves. We parade our failures and our problems across our minds eye...the confidence we gain in Jesus Christ is blotted out... as believers in Jesus, we are guaranteed that God's mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness.

Rather than letting the enemy steel our joy, we should be grateful for trials, failures, and short is the struggles of our life that God is most effective and the struggles are the places God can demonstrate the most grace.

The integrity we commit to in our walk with God doesn't take away our fact our struggles build our confidence because of the demonstration of God's power in the struggle.

The American painter, John Sargent, once painted a panel of roses that was highly praised by critics. It was a small picture, but it approached perfection. Although offered a high price for it on many occasions, Sargent refused to sell it. He considered it his best work and was very proud of it. Whenever he was deeply discouraged and doubtful of his abilities as an artist, he would look at it and remind himself, "I painted that." Then his confidence and ability would come back to him.

You can take confidence in the TRUTH that Jesus Christ loves you and wants to know you on the personal level. I love this picture of this cat...she is living the confident life. In Jesus Christ, we also can look in our mirror and see a roaring lion.

How is your confidence these days?

Do you stand and preach the good news that Jesus is the Christ in the way you live your life?

Do you act as if He is the son of the living God in how you live life at work, at school, to your neighbors, in retirement and to anyone that comes in contact with you?

Do you demonstrate Godly confidence?

You know I love ya, Don

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