Monday, July 16, 2012

"Co-Union" what? Is this like co-habitate?

“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;” Colossians 2:9-10

The "Him" of this text is of course Jesus. Paul is teaching his readers that Jesus was God. He was God in bodily form. Jesus chose to take on the form of a flesh and blood. He establishes Himself in the body. He is God dwelling midst us. God living among men and women. It is a wonderful life of "co-habitation."

Paul than goes on to teach us that a result of God dwelling in flesh and blood is for those who believe are being made complete. Complete in what? We are made complete in a restored relationship with God. That is we are able to have a friendship, a conversation, and a mutual dwelling with the creator of all things. It is a relationship God is seeking. Through God's willingness and desire for us, He made it possible for us to know, feel, and live a mutual essence of life together. Simply put, Jesus is God and because of Him, we have "co-union" with God.

Just like any other relationship, it takes work and dedication. That is why we practice the spiritual disciplines for the purpose of Spiritual Formation. We learned to walk as a child by getting up and falling down...we then would get up and fall down...eventually we would learn to run and stay up. The same is true for the Christ-Follower. We must start to study, listen, fast, meditate, seek out solitude and all the other disciplines, so as to learn to toddle...then walk....then run.

We are in the process of being made complete. We are bring transformed into His likeness. We are striving for holiness because He is Holy. Is it easy? No, but no one ever said it would be. In fact, it is said, "That if it was easy, anyone could do it." Holiness requires hard work, discipline, and dedication. These are not easy. These can become natural. 

I think the hardest step for Christ-followers is the second step. My advice is just take the step...yes, you might fall again, but persistence is the key. I love walking with the Lord and I can testify the work is worth the relationship. Being made complete is a continual journey...God loves the journey. Notice, that He doesn't wave goodbye as you start your journey, He packs His bags and walks with you. Thus, "co-union" with Him is the best part of the journey and the journey is today.

Where are on the journey and are you "co-habitating" with God?

Thank you for sharing the journey with me. You know I love ya, Don

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