Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rule of Life

I have recently learned of the spiritual practice of writing a rule of life. "A Rule of Life is an intentional pattern of spiritual disciplines that provides structure and direction for growth in holiness. A Rule establishes a rhythm for life in which is helpful for being formed by the Spirit, a rhythm that reflects a love for God and respect for how he has made us. The disciplines which we build into our rhythm of life help us to shed the “old self” and allow our “new self” in Christ to be formed." (taken from several authors and found at .

My Personal Rule of Life and commitment is as follows:
- Donald Crane's Rule of Life -
(1) To Love God: In worship and declaration of His worth in every dimension of life through sharing His love through daily practice of spiritual disciplines. To rest in Him and allow for my worth to be discovered in His refuge as I confess my inabilities and total reliance on Him (Psalm 31).
(2) To Love Each Other: As an unconditionally loving and sacrificial husband, as a nurturing and encouraging father, and as a Christ-follower representing Jesus to the people around me through the virtues of faith, hope, and love (John 9.1-5 & Acts 4.29-31).
(3) To Love Life: Living eternal life in the present by trusting in Jesus through rejoicing in the sweet tastes of life, grieving the loss of life that comes through sin and walking daily with God through a daily time of reflection and prayer for a healthy spiritual life, a 4 days a week exercise routine for a healthy mind and body, a monthly afternoon of retreat and meditation, and a yearly celebration of major events and holidays (Philippians 4.12 & Jude 24-25).

Please remember these are a personal rule or guides. It is a gift from God to develop such love and dedication. I encourage everyone to develop one. The Lord blesses such discipline. For more information read, "Soul Feast" by Marjorie J. Thompson and/or "The Spirit of the Disciplines" by Dallas Willard.

You know I love ya, Don

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