Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To give life and not criticize others doing life....


"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters." 
1 John 3:16

It is hard for me to watch others tear people down. Especially, when the person doing the "un-constructive criticism" repeats the offense over, and over, and over....I just can't find the patience needed to stand back and not say anything. Then, I read the above passage and realize that is what I have done to Jesus over and over and over...yet, He continues to love me and offer me life. It is through His love that we truly find the ability to adopt three more awesome loves and bring them into our home.

So, what does it mean to find this love and seek the revelation of this passage in our personal spiritual formation? Heartlight Devotions puts it this way:
"God loves us! That is the triumphant message of the Bible. That is the greatest message we will ever hear. Thankfully, however, this is not just a message in words. God wanted us to know his love for us, so he demonstrated that love at great personal cost. God loves us! We know that because he gave his Son for us. God loves us! He didn't want the power of "perish" to claim us, so he gave us the power of his love. The power to be generous and to stand up for the right. The power to be Jesus as He reflected God's love. God loves us! He sacrificed so we could have life. God loves us! Don't ever doubt it. Don't let the evil one rob you of this life-giving truth. God loves you and wants to give you life!"

Let us love and demonstrate the power of His love in everyday life. You know I love ya, Don

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