Monday, February 27, 2012

Trouble, Hardship, Struggles, Persecution, and any other hard thing!

"I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “that I am God." Isaiah 43:11-12

Dr. Carl Bridges of Johnson University taught in one of the main sessions last week's 2012 Homecoming on Isaiah 43. He taught us that in verses 1-7, God is speaking to the Israel nation in the singular voice. God promises he will put the welfare of his people above all other things. This is the case in that as an Old Testament promise...Jesus would come. In verses 8 and following the case turns to a plural and that is the clarification for God's protection. He protects us so that we might be God's witnesses to all the world.

The same God that rescues the Israel nation of the Old Testament is the same God that rescues us. He is a God that rescues in so far as and so that the one being rescued will serve as God's witness in the world. It is God that rescues and protects us in trouble but doesn't promise to keep us out of trouble. Keeping us out of trouble would not demonstrate his power over trouble. Just as a quarterback of a major football team never takes his eye off of the ball after it is thrown even when players are pounding in on him in every direction, the Christ-follower is to never take his/her eyes off of Jesus even when trouble is pounding in on us in every direction.

He is a great and mighty God that prevails in every circumstance. His protection is given in the proclamation that He will prevail. Therefore, we can take heart and wisdom in knowing we do not have to fear.

Thank You Dr. Bridges for the reminder and the great teaching. We do serve a great God!

You know I love ya, Don

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