Monday, January 30, 2012

Are you engaged?

"Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: 'Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say'." - Acts 2:14

Peter = a fisherman, a follower of Jesus, at the transfiguration, witness of many miracles, Jesus changed his name from Simon to Peter – where Jesus used the name to describe the future stability of the church as a rock. Peter denied Jesus three times, saw his crucifixion from a distance, and ran to the tomb to see if his body had risen from the grave. Peter was questioned by Jesus three times and Jesus told Peter “to feed my sheep.” Peter presented the first sermon in the new kingdom on Pentecost and presented the Gospel to the first gentiles. Peter the evangelist and preacher, the fisher of men.

Peter was a man touched by God and engaged for God's purpose of preach and proclaiming Jesus Christ! How can we be in engage? The answer is in the living of life. We can know God and know abundance in living by trusting in Jesus, study and application of His word, and with total submission to His guidance in life. Just like Peter, we too can be engaged in God's kingdom through the actions of trusting, study, and submitting.

Are you engaged? That question can mean many things...such as marriage, or driving a car or involved in the perfectness of God's purpose and presentation of life. I am engaged. I was engaged to she is my wife. I engaged driving on my 16th I regularly following the laws of driving a vehicle. I am engaged in loving God, loving others, and loving day will come when I will see Jesus. Much like Peter, I follow through and be a follower of Jesus.

You know I love engaged! Don

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