Monday, August 1, 2011

Glimpses of Truth...high above the earth!

LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Psalm 8:1

Welcome August 2011. My desire and prayer for this month is, "Open My eyes that I may see, glimpses of truth God has for me." I don't travel by plane very often. When I do, I never grow tired of looking out the window of the airplane. Since most of my flights are to and from the same cities, the landscape I see is not unfamiliar, yet I have trouble recognizing the landscape from such a different view. Now matter from what view, sunrises and sunsets are never the same, particularly when viewed from the air, above the clouds.

As I think about clouds and how different they look from the air, it occurs to me that I am not physically designed to see clouds from above. I am able to because, through the achievements of modern aviation, I can go where I was not intended to go and see the earth from a different perspective, more like God's perspective.

Through His marvelous grace, I realize that when I fight my daily battles on earth and cannot see past them or deal with them effectively, I can step back and try to look at my life from God's perspective. He is like a strong jet seen from above, and ALSO very intricately involved in my life. The best of both perspectives. Then I perceive my situation differently -- sometimes as different as clouds look from above. God knows the overall scheme of things. From God's perspective, the particular battle I am fighting may not be so big after fact I may be winning a new level of blessing and growth greater than I could even ask for.

"Dear Lord, open my eyes and may I see you and may other see you in me. Amen"

You know I love ya, Don

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