Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Love and Light as License Agreements

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. -1 John 1:5 (NIV)

I love light. We have up graded our lighting system in the Worship Center at Park Chapel. The license agreement also changed with Martin Lights so we had to buy a new computer and a new USB port that allows for the system to work under the agreement. As I program these new codes and some old codes into the new system, I can't help but think and remember that "love" is our license agreement in the Christian faith.

Both light and love give warmth and produce healing and growth. Light shines all around, without discriminating or requiring that certain conditions be met. Likewise, if I love, I love at all times, even when I don't agree with those I love or when they do not meet my expectations. In our culture today, that seems to be a regular part of life. In reality, God loves me when I don't live in His example or meet up to His expectation.

God is love. If we know God and walk in God's light, we love one another. To have a clearer picture of love is helpful, but I still cannot love on my own. I need God's light and God's love to shine through me. Learning to love has taken time and will continue to take work and dedication to the goal, but it has been a great joy to realize that I can be an agent of healing, growth, and light in my relationships with other people. So can we all, if we allow God to teach us.

You know I love ya and striving to love even more, Don

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