Easter - 2018

Monday, April 11, 2011


The EVENT that changed history, the event that darkened the sun, the event the shook the ground, and the event that defined all eternity is the event of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. This event is a mystery to the world and its views on life. This event confuses even the wisest of minds and brings the brightest achievers to a standing halt. The world still asks the question if it was all a lie or if there is truth in the Easter story.

The Passion Week at Park Chapel is filled with discovery of the above-mentioned events. The power of the Cross of Christ is still as relevant today as it ever was in the past. As a body of Christ-followers, we are going to study, worship, and celebrate the awesome message and puzzling mystery of the Event, we call Easter.

While it may seem that all of this occurred on a hill too far away, too far removed from our life to speak to us, we cannot stand in the distance and expect to experience the magnitude of the cross. We must draw near, listen, and experience the gruesome reality it took to pay for sin. We must face what we can never understand. We must confront the ravaged spotless Lamb to gain just a glimpse of our stain of sin. The cross cannot be explained away. The cross cannot be ignored. The cross cannot be stripped of its cruelty and shame. The cross cannot and will not be denied. The Event of the Cross and Resurrection remains an open invitation to come to the place of mercy and grace. It is the way of the cross the leads us to an abundant eternity.

In preparation for this event, the Worship Choir & Orchestra will be rehearsing the Park Chapel 2011 Easter Musical, “The Event.” It is a musical built from the well-known book by John Fischer, “On A Hill Too Far Away” and the musical arrangements from the musical of the same title. Through its one hour presentation the audience and participants will seek to find how to put the Cross’ mystery back in to the center of our lives and our culture.

The presentation of this multimedia musical will be presented twice in order to accommodate the large crowds we typically draw for our musicals. The first of the identical presentations will be Friday, April 15th at 7:00 PM and the second will be Sunday, April 17th at 7:00 PM. There is no charge for this presentation from our Fine Arts department. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. For direction check out www.Park Chapel.org.

You know I love ya, Don

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