Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Things Above - These are a few of my favorite things!

Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Colossians 3:17 (NIV)

Paul tells us to set our minds on things above, as new creatures in Christ. (See Col. 3:1-4.) I became a Christian when I was nine years old but always felt I wasn't showing any great changes in my character -- other than a new habit of Bible study and prayer thanks to a wonderful family, church, and Sunday School teacher. Then I went through a time in college where God showed me what the Holy Spirit has accomplished in my life.

Since then, I take the time to remember what God has done and what He is doing and what he will do. It is in those moments I treasure the gifts of love, mercy, family, children, the Bible, and a healthy church. It is also a time of thanksgiving. God is very gracious. He mercies are new every morning.

Today is a day that I treasure the good things. This blog is two years old and it is one of the things that has taken my relationship with God to a new level. It has also allowed me to meet and discover God's word in a new way with new people . . . you! Join me in never forgetting the great things God has done!

You know I love ya, Don


  1. I praise God that you have grown through this blog, and also that my faith has been encouraged and deepened. I am humbled yet thrilled to be part of the family of God, a wonderful place to belong! Thank you, brother Don.

  2. Hello Faith,
    Thank you. I heard about your Dad. Praying for you in this valley. Hang in there. Still have you down for JBC Homecoming...more on that in Oct.
