Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Heart...

Do good ... be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share ... so that [you] may take hold of the life that really is life. -1 Timothy 6:18-19 (NRSV)

If we were to truly follow God's word, we could make poverty a thing of the past. In the passage above, Paul encouraged Timothy to be content with life and not set his mind on worldly riches, but instead to "shun [the love of money]; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness (1 Tim. 6:11). He then left a "commandment" for Timothy -- and for us: "do good . . . be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share" (1 Tim. 6:18).

Truthfully, our world is full of enough resources that no person should be in want; poverty should disappear. But we all know that everywhere in the world those who have ample possessions often desire to possess even more, to live above others and to control others' destiny. When we become unwilling to share, we have given up our stewardship and instead revel in our possession of God's world and of God's wealth.

True, Paul does not condemn money itself. However, he does speak of the love of money as the root of all evil. (See verse 10.) The love of money and the love of "stuff" leads to all sorts of selfish acts. But if we become generous and share our riches, we "store up for [ourselves] the treasure of a good foundation for the future" (verse 19). Only then may we "take hold of the life" that is really worth living.

May we never forget that Jesus taught us we will always have the poor. He also taught us to take care of the widows and orphans. Thus, if we keep our perspective on His heart, we will share and loved beyond any riches this world will ever give.

You know I love ya and have a great day! - Don

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