Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesus breathed His Last!

"When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." - John 19:30

"And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT." Having said this, He breathed His last." - Luke 23:46
For me these are some of hardest words to read, "Jesus breathed His last." Even with the knowledge that this event is only the end of the beginning, it is still hard to know that He had to go through all that because of me.

I was asked yesterday morning, "what is it that drove Paul and made him so passionate?" I believe Paul was keenly aware of his sin. He had murdered Christians. I am sure he had those memories and those burdens. Thus, he knew only by the grace of God could he even go forward and there was nothing that was going to stop him.

So, why don't I have the same drive, passion, and reckless abandon that Paul had? For me, it is that I often forget the weight of my sin. I forget that I am a sinner and without the grace of God there is no hope for me. I have not murdered or have any of the "major" sins. Over-all I have been a pretty good guy. Yet, I am sinner and have sinful desires.

I read these words above and then I realize, as did Paul, I have murdered someone...Jesus. He was on the cross willingly on my behalf. It was my sin He was carrying and then I learn, He chose to do it.

These words of Joseph Martin bring to reality the weight of my sin and powerful future I have as a Christ-follower:
Without His tears, there is no comfort.
Without His death, there is no life.
Without His blood, there is no pardon.
Without His cross, there is no crown.

Without His shame, there is no glory.
Without His grief, there is no joy.
Without His stripes, there is no healing.
Without His cross, there is no crown.

Lamb of God, You bring salvation,
And with Your grace our hearts are sealed.
Lord, with Your tears of love You bathe our sorrows.
In Your eyes we stand revealed.
Jesus breathed His last for me and for you. May I never take advantage of this truth, but savor its reality in all that I am. You know I love you - Don

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