Monday, December 21, 2009

Mary, the Mother of Jesus

"I am the Lord's servant," Mary Answered, "May it be to me as you have said." - Luke 1:38
The messages of Gabriel's announcement was this: "Mary, even though you have never been with a man, you are going to have a baby." WHAT!!!!!

How does a young Jewish bride-to-be explain that fact to her mother and father and her Fiancee'...not to mention in-laws, friends, and neighbors? No matter what Mary said, she had to know that people would talk. Her pregnancy was scandalous. The religious community would condemn her. The story would spread like wildfire. Gossips would have a field day.

How unfair! Both Joseph and Mary were devoted followers of God. They knew and God knew that they had been morally pure. But the world that loves to whisper didn't know and probably didn't care. How ironic! To God, Mary was chosen; to the world, Mary was cheap. She might have protested. Instead, she humbly submitted to the plan and purpose of God.

Mary's response to the surprising will of God is a great example for us. When we are confronted by situations that seem crazy or unfair, do we balk and complain? Or do we say, "God, I trust that you are in control, that you are good, and that you know what is best. If this is your plan for my life, then I accept it willingly"? I am asking God today to help me develop confidence in his faithfulness in every situation in the year 2010.

How we respond to unexpected events is a good measure of our faith. You know I love ya and looking forward to Christmas. - Don

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