Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year - What Really Matters?

This is a quote from Christopher J. Klicka (1961-2009) in one of his final interviews before he passed into the arms of Jesus after fighting M.S. for years.

He (God) enables you to fulfill what He's called you to do. He's called me to be a father of seven and a husband, and work for the homeschoolers and to share His gospel. Charles Spurgeon once said that there will be no crownbearers in heaven who weren't crossbearers on earth. I got the cross of MS. Some people are going to have the cross of cancer, some are going to have the cross of losing a loved one, or some marriages will break up, or struggles that bring hurt and growth...for there are little crosses we all must bear; damage to cars, finances aren't doing well, or we loose a job...It's not a question of whether you are going to suffer or not. It's just a matter of how you deal with it...God is sovereign and we still must glorify Him...heaven's going to be sweeter than anything this world offers. I know it's going to be sweeter. I can't wait.

These are good words to ponder on a new year. May each of us face life with such power and grace. It is God's gift to each of us. I declare the gift of power and grace in 2010.

You know I love ya - Don


  1. Sobering words filled with hope from a man who's already on the other side. I hope to be like him when I grow up. :)
