Monday, August 3, 2009

A Creative God looks inward!

"But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
I am coming off of a long weekend. It has been a good weekend, with a great deal of hard work and intensity. We have had three major performances of Fiddler on the Roof with the R.W. Theater group and a great typical morning worship services with Solid Ground. It has been fun. I am very I look around I see that God has surrounded me with good people with some extreme talent.

I am also not worthy of such a life. It is very humbling to look around and see so many people willing to follow, work hard, and dedicate themselves for a single goal. The community event is different in that we primarily focus our talent on a program of entertainment. At church, our primary goal is to declare God's worth in our lives by worshiping Him. The reality is that even in our community setting, as Christ followers, we are striving to express ourselves in unity, love, affection and in a creative spirit. Thus, we are created in God's image..."creative."

The above scripture text comes to mind for me because I am not worthy to stand in front of such people and direct. Yet, God continues to bless and allow me the privilege and honor to teach, direct, conduct, and lead. I am humbled by such a blessing.

My prayer today, "Lord, may I never take advantage of the true nature of a humble heart that only comes from you. You are a great God filled with joy, creativity, power and grace. You make all things new and bring life to all that you make. I ask you to bring your desires in all that I do so that the world around me will see and know that you are God. I leave it in your hands and declare my faith, in Jesus Name, Amen."

Thank you for reading and listening in on my thoughts today. Please know that God is interested your heart as well. God does not look at the outward appearances or the height of a person. God looks at the heart and character of a person. My prayer is for you too. You know I love you - Don


  1. What a joy you are to this world, Don! You have blessed me in so many ways - I can't wait to see your face when God shows you how many people you have lifted up in this life!

  2. I truly need this today. You have touched my life and thank you for being such a joy to know...even if it is from a distance.
