Monday, June 8, 2009

Feet like a deer

“The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.” Habakkuk 3:19
This verse represents one of the greatest confessions of faith to me. Habakkuk is one of my favorite prophetic writings. "Though everything around me fail-the fields, the vineyards, the flocks, the herds-yet will I rejoice in the Lord." This is the OT version of Phil. 4:11-13. Habakkuk knew that he had no strength of his own, but that God could give him the strength he would need to go through the trials that lay ahead.
"He will make me like a deer-I will jump over the mountains." We saw a deer out in the field Saturday evening and it is amazing to see these creatures run and flow through the air.
How much more this ought to mean to us because God enables us to swore 
through the air. Habakkuk looked through the fog and mist and wondered
at God's program, but in Christ we know God's plans for this age
(Eph. 1:8-10, and chap. 3). We have the entire Bible to study, and
Habakkuk did not have this. We have the record of life, death, resurrection,
and ascension of Jesus Christ, as well as the promise of His coming again.
If any people ought to walk by faith and rejoice in the Lord, it is the
Christ-follower today. Yet too often we doubt, complain, run ahead of God,
and even criticize what God is doing.

Habakkuk shows us how to deal with life's problems: (1) admit
them honestly; (2) talk to God about them; (3) wait quietly before
Him in prayer and meditation on the Word; (4) when He speaks, listen
and obey. Never run away from the difficulties of life, because God
wants to use those difficulties to strengthen your faith. "Never doubt
in the dark what God has told you in the light." The just shall
live by faith.

You know I love ya -
[Excerpts taken from Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament]


  1. Oh, Don, how I needed this today! Thank you for your insight. Sometimes the problems of life blindside us - and we need another perspective. You did that for me today! God just keeps on blessing me, through you and countless others He puts alongside me in this journey. May I be a blessing as I go as well.

  2. He is an amazing God. His words are fresh everyday. How that is possible can only be explained in the goodness and grace of God. You are welcome and to Him alone goes the glory. You are a blessing to me.
