Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is God doing?

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." - John 4:23-24
It is interesting that people will often ask the question, "where was God?" or "what was God doing?" when they hit a crisis. Many times I will listen to a believer that is lamenting over a crisis and genuinely hurting and these type of question will come up...."where was God?" Now, in their defense, when a person is grieving or hurting many times our faith is not in question, but a time of anger leads to a time of righteous venting.

But lets ask the question for our dialogue...."What is God doing?" John 4 reveals to us that God is seeking worshipers. Worship is declaring how much God is worth. God is seeking worshipers that will worship in spirit....that is to give their souls, minds, and hearts to God and His Holy Spirit. Worshiping in truth is to worship Him with our strength...are we willing to push the plow, sow the seed, take a meal to the hurting, reach out to the widow, take in the orphan, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Today I reflect on the spirit and truth in my life. Do I truly worship the God I love in Spirit and Truth? When I fail Him I cling to His grace and when I succeed I give Him the glory.

Words to live by - you know I love ya - Don

PS - All the snow in Indiana today reminds me that the blood of Christ washes my sin as white as snow! Praise the Lord it is beautiful!


  1. I've often asked where is God in times of crisis. You can probably find a post or 2 (or more) on my blog.

    Thanks for the comment on the picture. Would you believe that was in front of me when I was coming back from New York on the train. I've always loved the add for a lot of reasons, mostly because it's so random.

  2. Thanks Sarah...I am enjoying you blog, as well. Have a great Friday.
