Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gov. Palin and Her Son Trig


  1. I posted this link on FaceBook.

    And THANKS for your comment. :-)

  2. Thank You - wow! what an opportunity we have in Gov. Palin.

  3. she says herself that part of the reason she is promoting special needs is because of her own child. she made the choice to have a baby later in life, and chose to face the higher risk of down's syndrome, but she doesn't have the right to tell someone else what to do with their body. if it weren't for Trig, there would be no priority in this issue.

  4. She also has a nephew that has autism. She has a long record of supporting Special Needs. So, don't get too closed minded. As a father of a 5 year old with down syndrome...did you know that the majority of children with Down Syndrome are born to parents in their twenties?
