Easter - 2018

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

These are a few of my thankful things!

These are a few of my thankful things!

Almighty Jehovah: Father, Redeemer, Friend, Source of Life, and Comforter...

Family: Karen, Mom, Matthew, Alice, Nicholas, Auntie Bon Bon, Mima, Melinda, Nephews...

Good Friends: You know who you are...to many to write.

Dream of Job: Everything I ever dreamed for, Awesome Choir, great praise band, Solid Ground Worship Services, Orchestra, Bells, Banners/Wreaths, and gift of sharing new life of Jesus.

Great Senior Ministers: David Woods, Ronnie Jones, Lloyd Menning, and a great mentor in Bob Kelly.

Creation: Trees and Leaves, The sounds of water flowing, SNOW, and bright sunny days.

My Country: Freedom, the privilege to be counted among "We the People...", those who gave so that I might share in those freedoms.

Community: Hello, Dolly! (What a show!), Greenfield Community Choir (new friends), and all the great cultural opportunities in Hancock County.

Toys: Watching the children play with their toys and for Geo Track Trains.

DADS: Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome and the Buddy Walk.

Internet Community
: You, my blog friends, Facebook Networks, and the ease of Twitter...

Music: The amazing gift of structured sound and rhythms to enhance the gift of entertainment, Choirs, Musicals...

The Simple things: breathing, colors, postal service, kindness, Earl Grey tea, remote controls, indoor plumbing, Pumpkin anything...

And Finally...to have a relationship with Jesus, to live with the love of my life in Karen, and to have the honor of the greatest job God ever created in being a dad.

There is loads to be thankful for this year and every year. You know I love ya and have a great Thanksgiving, Don

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