Easter - 2018

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Politics - Republican - Democrat - Does it change things?

There is a lot of talk about the up and coming presidential election. Today the democrats are talking a great deal about their VP choice and next week the Republicans will talk a great deal about their choice...I heard Rick Warren interview both candidates this afternoon. To see the report go to CBN.com Then after Rick Warren was asked, "Would you consider being a politician?"

His statement sparked my thoughts. Rick stated, that if he felt the best way to change the world is to be a minister/preacher. If he felt the best way to change the world was through politics, then he would be a politician, both men need God in order to change people's future eternally..." Wow! What a statement!

We are believers in Christ. We are also Americans. Let us never confuse the reality that Christ gives us our eternal destination, thus Christ is our eternal priority...even the Great UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will have an end. I want to make an eternal difference, thus I believe and strive to tell others that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

You know I love ya,

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